Nika's story

I decided to thrive, not just survive. You can too!

7 years ago I was dragged to get help after I was found shaking and hallucinating in the middle of my gym class when I was supposed to be playing basketball. I still can’t believe that was my life. I lived in my worst nightmare and It felt like I was trapped in my own mind - like my brain was sabotaging me. I didn’t wanna live anymore. I didn’t eat much, I slept for days or not at all, I didn’t shower, I couldn’t think, I couldn’t concentrate. I was shaking and sweating like crazy while my mind came up with images you could find in one of your favourite horror films. I’d have forced thoughts where a few words would just play in my head for hours and hours like a broken record and by the end of it I felt like my only friends were the hallucinations I was experiencing. I didn’t care about much and I truly felt like that was the end of my life. I wanted it to be the end. But here I am, after a mental hospital, years of therapy, ups and downs, a trauma healing certificate and a lot of work, happier and healthier than I could ever imagine. Now for the first time ever, I am sharing the most impactful knowledge I gained through my own journey and through my MAT trauma healing certificate. I hope I get the chance to get to know you and help you on your unique path.

If I can do it, so can you!

If you are fighting anything in your life, whether it’s a mental illness, abuse of any kind, bullying, toxic relationships, addiction, heartbreak, a bad day or can do it!! Trust me, you are a lot more powerful than you think you are, and I know it’s sometimes really hard to believe, but you are loved and there are people who will stand by your side and walk this life with you. I promise you that there is a way out of whatever you are experiencing even if, right now, you don’t see it at all. And yes self-love, healing and finding your way back to you is hard at times and there came days when I felt like I took steps backwards. There came days when I shut down the whole world, because I felt like it was too much and I just needed a break from everything and that’s okay! Just never give up. Your heart is calling you places. Get up as many times as you need to and soon you won’t trip or fall as much anymore, and you’ll look at yourself and how far you’ve come with awe and tears in your eyes.  

Once you reach a deep heartbreak of any kind, it’s often easy to fall back into that darkness, because in a way it’s familiar, but one thing I’ve learnt is that you also know how to get back up. That fills you up with so much confidence and strength - knowing that whatever life has in store for you, you will always find your way back to yourself. 

You have an amazing life that’s waiting for you. Make a promise right now, to choose yourself and the life you want to live and I can say with full certainty you will never look back. You’ll uncover so much joy and love you never ever knew existed and the best part is - all of this is already in you. You don’t need to search for it anywhere, it’s not hidden in anyone else’s heart, you don’t need to go across the world to discover it. Just look inside and start THE SELF REVOLUTION 🔥