The purpose of SAYHEYHAPPINESS'S PRIVACY POLICY is to inform you of the following:

• who processes your personal data

• what personal data we collect

• why we process your personal data

• how long will we store your personal data and

• what are your rights in relation to the information we store about you and how to assert them.

All of our activities relating to the processing of personal data are in accordance with the applicable Personal Data Protection Act, the Electronic Communications Act and the EU General Data Protection Regulation. This privacy policy may be amended or supplemented at any time without prior notice or warning. By using the provider's website after changing or supplementing, the individual confirms that he agrees to the changes and additions.

Who processes my personal data?

The controller of your personal data is:

Umetniško ustvarjanje, Nika Erčulj s.p.

Na klancu 28, 1360 Vrhnika, Slovenija


TRR SI56 0201 5331 8812 623

Tel: +386 (0)31 855 511

If you have any questions regarding our policy of protecting personal data or processing your personal data, you can contact us at any time. Contact us at:

What personal information do you collect?

The operator collects the following personal data:

• first and last name

• e-mail address

Name and e-mail are required to be able to access or use our services as individuals (e. g. when you visit the Thinkfic website and sign in to the online course).

• Information about the user's purchases (date and time, product type /service, product/service amount and payment method)

Information about the user's use of the operator’s website (dates and times of visits to the website, retention time on each page, number of pages visited, total time of site visit, settings made on the website)

The provider does not collect data relating to credit card payments, which are transmitted by users through the website. This information is collected exclusively by the credit card payment provider, i.e. PayPal and Stripe.

Why are you processing my personal data?

All personal data you provide to us will be treated confidentially and will only be used for the purposes for which it was provided. The provider does not collect or process your personal data unless you allow or consent to it (e. g. through the use of the Thinkfic website or when you order a service)

The operator collects and processes your personal data for the following purposes:

Purpose of processing
More detailed explanation
Legal basis
Retention date
Conclusion and fulfilment of obligations arising from the contract concluded
Conclusion and execution of a contract concluded with the operator, including the operator's execution of your orders, communication with you, and the fulfilment of other obligations of the operator and/or your obligations.
We process personal data on the basis of a contract. In the event that you do not provide us with all the information necessary for the conclusion of the contract, we reserve the right to defer the order of the Service or cancel the service.
Personal data processed by the Operator for the execution of a contractual relationship with an individual shall be kept by the Operator for the period necessary for the execution of the contract and for a further 5 years after its termination.
Directly notifying customers about services/courses and other content via email
Based on your consent, we will inform you about our services and content by email. The buyer may at any time request a suspension of such communication and the processing of personal data in such a way that he withdraws his consent. You can withdraw your consent at any time via info@sayhayhappines. com with the following words: ODJAVA.
We process your data when you give us explicit consent. Your consent may be revoked at any time. If you withdraw your consent, your provider will not be able to provide you with certain services.
The personal data processed by the Operator on the basis of the personal consent of the individual The Operator shall keep until the individual has revoked that consent
Enforcement of legal claims, protection of our rights and dispute resolution

We collect personal data for a specific purpose in accordance with the law.
In cases where there is a dispute between you and the Operator concerning the contract, the Operator shall keep the data for 5 years after the final judgement of the court or arbitration decision or settlement or, in the absence of a legal dispute, 5 years from the date of the peaceful settlement of the dispute.
Legal obligations
We collect your information for the purpose of complying with legal obligations (e. g. storing invoices for the purposes of tax legislation)
Processing on legal basis. 
The personal data that the Operator processes on a legal basis is stored for the period prescribed by the sectoral law. 

Will you pass on my information to third parties?


In providing our services, the Manager may entrust individual tasks related to the processing of your personal data to other persons in accordance with the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy. The processors with which the controller cooperates are:

-mailing provider Mailchimp;

-payment system providers PayPal and Stripe;

-Thinkfic website provider.


Your personal data may also be processed by the operator and the above-mentioned third parties outside the European Economic Area, including countries that may not provide such protection for the protection of personal data that is in force within the European Economic Area.

Will you use my personal data to perform profiling or make automated decisions?

Automated decision-making or profiling is not carried out.

What are my rights with regard to the processing of personal data?

With regard to the processing of your personal data, you have the following rights:

Right to withdraw consent

If you have consented as an individual to the processing of your personal data (for one or more specified purposes), you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing of the data carried out by consent until its withdrawal.

Consent may be revoked by a written declaration sent to the Operator via e-mail address: info@sayheyhappiness. com.

The withdrawal of consent for the processing of personal data has no negative consequences or sanctions for the individual.

As an individual, you have the right to obtain confirmation from the controller of personal data if personal data are being processed in relation to you and, if so, access to personal data and certain information.

Right to rectification of personal data

As an individual, you have the right to draw the operator's attention to inaccurate or incomplete data processed by the manager in relation to you, while at the same time ensuring that the operator corrects the inaccurate data or completes the incomplete data in order to process only accurate and complete data.

Right to erasure of personal data

As an individual, you have the right to have the operator delete personal data relating to you without undue delay and the manager must delete the data without undue delay where one of the following reasons exists:

(a) personal data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected or otherwise processed,

(b) if you withdraw your consent and there is no other legal basis for processing,

(c) if you object to processing and there are no overriding legitimate reasons for processing,

(d)the personal data has been processed unlawfully,

(e) personal data must be deleted in order to fulfil legal obligations under EU or Member State law applicable to the provider,

(f) personal data has been collected in connection with the offers of information society services.

• Right to restrict processing

As an individual, you have the right to restrict processing by the operator when there is one of the following cases:

(a) if you dispute the accuracy of the data for a period enabling the provider to verify the accuracy of the data,

(b) processing is illegal and you object to the deletion of data and instead request restriction of their use,

(c) the data provider no longer needs the data for the purposes of processing, but you need them to enforce, pursue and defend legal claims,

(d) you have lodged an objection to the processing until it is verified that the legitimate reasons of the provider outweigh your reasons.

Right to data portability

As an individual, you have the right to receive personal data relating to you that you have provided to the provider in a structured, widely used and machine-readable form, and you have the right to provide that information to another controller without being impeded by the provider to which the personal data has been provided, when:

(a) the processing is based on consent or on the contract;

(b) the processing is carried out by automated means.

As an individual, in exercising that right of portability, you have the right to transfer personal data directly from one controller to another where technically feasible.

Without prejudice to any other remedy, as an individual, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority (in Slovenia it is the Information Commissioner) if you believe that the processing of personal data in relation to you violates the rules on the protection of personal data.

Without prejudice to any other remedy, you have the right, as an individual, to an effective remedy against a legally binding decision of the supervisory authority in relation to it, as well as in the event that the supervisory authority does not hear your complaint or not inform you within three months of the state of the case or of the decision on the complaint. Proceedings against a supervisory authority shall be the responsibility of the courts of the Member State in which the supervisory authority is established.

The individual may make any request concerning the exercise of rights in relation to personal data, addresses, in writing, to the controller, namely at the email address: [email protected].

Notification to the supervisory authority of a personal data breach

In the event of a personal data breach, the operator shall be obliged to inform the competent supervisory authority, except where the infringement is unlikely to jeopardise the rights and freedoms of individuals. Where, in the event of an infringement, a criminal offence is suspected, the Operator shall be obliged to inform the police and/or the competent prosecutor's office of the infringement.

In the event of an infringement which may give rise to a significant risk to the rights and freedoms of individuals, the operator shall be obliged to inform the data subjects without delay of the infringement or, where this is not possible, without undue delay.

Publishing changes

Any change to our personal data protection policy will be published on this website.

23. 3. 2021


Namen SAYHEYHAPPINESS politike zasebnosti je, da vas seznanimo s tem:

Vse naše aktivnosti v zvezi z obdelavo osebnih podatkov so v skladu z vsakokrat veljavnim Zakonom o varstvu osebnih podatkov, Zakonom o elektronskih komunikacijah ter Splošno uredbo EU o varstvu podatkov. Ta politika zasebnosti se lahko kadarkoli spremeni ali dopolni, brez predhodnega opozorila ali obvestila. Z uporabo spletnih strani ponudnika po spremembi ali dopolnitvi posameznik potrjuje, da soglaša s spremembami in dopolnitvami.

Kdo obdeluje moje osebne podatke?

Upravljavec vaših osebnih podatkov je:

Umetniško ustvarjanje, Nika Erčulj s.p.

Na klancu 28, 1360 Vrhnika, Slovenija


TRR SI56 0201 5331 8812 623

Tel: +386 (0)31 855 511


Če imate kakršna koli vprašanja v zvezi z našo politiko varovanja osebnih podatkov ali obdelavo vaših osebnih podatkov, se lahko kadarkoli obrnete na nas. Pišite nam na:

Katere moje osebne podatke zbirate?

Upravljalec zbira naslednje vaše osebne podatke:


Ime in e-pošta sta potrebna, da lahko kot posamezniki dostopate ali uporabljate naše storitve (npr. ko obiščete spletno mesto Thinkfic in se vpišete/prijavite na spletni tečaj)


Ponudnik ne zbira podatkov, ki se nanašajo na plačilo s kreditnimi karticami in jih uporabniki posredujejo preko spletnega mesta. Te podatke zbira izključno ponudnik plačevanja s kreditnimi karticami, to je Paypal in Stripe.

Zakaj obdelujete moje osebne podatke?


Vsi osebni podatki, ki nam jih posredujete, bodo obravnavani zaupno in bodo uporabljeni zgolj v namene, za katere so bili posredovani. Ponudnik ne zbira in ne obdeluje vaših osebnih podatkov, razen kadar mu vi to omogočite ali v to privolite (npr. preko uporabe spletne strani Thinkfic ali ob naročilu storitve)

Upravljalec zbira in obdeluje vaše osebne podatke za naslednje namene:

Namen obdelave

Podrobnejša obrazložitev

Pravna podlaga

Rok hrambe

Sklenitev in izpolnitev obveznosti, ki izhajajo iz sklenjene pogodbe

Sklenitev in izvajanje pogodbe, sklenjene s upravljalcem, vključno s upravljalčevo izpolnitvijo vaših naročil, komunikacijo z vami, in izpolnitvijo drugih obveznosti upravljalca in/ali vaših obveznosti.

Osebne podatke obdelujemo na podlagi pogodbe. V primeru, da nam ne posredujete vseh podatkov, nujnih za sklenitev pogodbe, si pridržujemo pravico, da naročilo storitve odložimo ali prekličemo.

Osebne podatke, ki jih Upravljalec obdeluje zaradi izvedbe pogodbenega odnosa s posameznikom, Upravljalec hrani za obdobje, ki je potrebno za izvršitev pogodbe in še 5 let po njenem prenehanju.

Neposredno obveščanje kupcev o storitvah/tečajih in drugih vsebinah preko emaila

Na podlagi dane privolitve vas bomo obveščali o svojih storitvah in vsebinah preko emaila. Kupec lahko kadarkoli zahteva prekinitev tovrstnega komuniciranja in obdelave osebnih podatkov na način, da prekliče privolitev. Podano soglasje lahko kadarkoli prekličete preko poštnega naslova [email protected] z besedo: ODJAVA.

Vaše podatke obdelujemo, kadar nam za to podate izrecno privolitev. Vaše soglasje, lahko kadarkoli prekličete. V kolikor privolitev prekličete, vam ponudnik nekaterih storitev ne bo mogel zagotavljati.

Tiste osebne podatke, ki jih Upravljalec obdeluje na podlagi osebne privolite posameznika Upravljalec hrani do preklica te privolitve s strani posameznika.

Uveljavljanje pravnih zahtevkov, zaščita naših pravic in reševanje sporov

Osebne podatke za opredeljen namen zbiramo skladno z zakonom.

V primerih, ko pride med vami in Upravljalec do spora v zvezi s pogodbo hrani Upravljalec podatke še 5 let po pravnomočnosti sodne ali arbitražne odločbe ali poravnave ali, če sodnega spora ni bilo, 5 let od dneva mirne rešitve spora.

Zakonske obveznosti

Vaše podatke zbiramo zaradi izpolnjevanja zakonskih obveznosti (npr. shranjevanje računov za potrebe davčne zakonodaje).

Obdelava na podlagi zakona.

Osebne podatke ki jih Upravljalec obdeluje na podlagi zakona,hrani za obdobje, ki ga predpisuje področni zakon.

Ali boste moje podatke posredovali tretjim osebam?


Upravljalec lahko pri zagotavljanju naših storitev posamezna opravila v zvezi z obdelavo vaših osebnih podatkov zaupa drugim osebam skladno z nameni, ki so opredeljeni v tej politiki zasebnosti. Obdelovalci s katerimi sodeluje upravljalec so:

-ponudnik pošiljanja e-poštnih sporočil Mailchimp;

-ponudniki plačilnih sistemov Paypal in Stripe;

-punudnik spletnega mesta Thinkfic. 


Vaše osebne podatke lahko upravljalec in zgoraj navedene tretje osebe obdelujejo tudi izven Evropskega gospodarskega prostora, kar vključuje tudi države, ki morda ne zagotavljajo tolikšne zaščite za varstvo osebnih podatkov, ki je v veljavi znotraj Evropskega gospodarskega prostora.

Ali boste na podlagi mojih osebnih podatkov izvajali profiliranje oziroma sprejemali avtomatizirane odločitve?


Avtomatizirano sprejemanje odločitev ali profiliranje se ne izvaja.

Kakšne so moje pravice v zvezi z obdelavo osebnih podatkov?


V zvezi z obdelavo vaših osebnih podatkov imate naslednje pravice:

Če ste kot posameznik privolili v obdelavo vaših osebnih podatkov (v enega ali več določenih namenov), imate pravico, da to svojo privolitev kadarkoli prekličete, ne da bi to vplivalo na zakonitost obdelave podatkov, ki se je na podlagi privolitve izvajala do njenega preklica.

Privolitev je možno preklicati s pisno izjavo, ki se pošlje Upravljavcu na e-mail naslov: [email protected].

Preklic privolitve za obdelavo osebnih podatkov za posameznika nima nobenih negativnih posledic ali sankcij.

Kot posameznik imate pravico od upravljavca osebnih podatkov dobiti potrditev, ali se v zvezi z vami obdelujejo osebni podatki, in kadar je temu tako, dostop do osebnih podatkov in določene informacije.

Kot posameznik imate pravico upravljalca opozoriti na netočne ali nepopolne podatke, ki jih upravljalec obdeluje v zvezi z vami, in hkrati doseči, da upravljalec netočne podatke popravi oziroma nepopolne dopolni ter tako obdeluje zgolj točne in popolne podatke.

Kot posameznik imate pravico doseči, da upravljalec brez nepotrebnega odlašanja izbriše osebne podatke v zvezi z vami, upravljalec pa mora podatke brez nepotrebnega odlašanja izbrisati, kadar obstaja eden od naslednjih razlogov:

(a) osebni podatki niso več potrebni v namene, za katere so bili zbrani oz. drugače obdelani,

(b) če prekličete privolitev, za obdelavo pa ne obstaja druga pravna podlaga,

(c) če ugovarjate obdelavi, za obdelavo pa ne obstajajo prevladujoči zakoniti razlogi,

(d)osebni podatki so bili obdelani nezakonito,

(e) osebne podatke je treba izbrisati za izpolnitev pravnih obveznosti v skladu s pravom EU ali pravom države članice, ki velja za ponudnika,

(f) osebni podatki so bili zbrani v zvezi s ponudb storitev informacijske družbe.

Kot posameznik imate pravico doseči, da upravljalec omeji obdelavo, kadar obstaja eden od naslednjih primerov:

(a) če oporekate točnosti podatkov za obdobje, ki ponudniku omogoča preveriti točnost podatkov,

(b) obdelava je nezakonita, vi pa nasprotujete izbrisu podatkov, namesto tega pa zahtevate omejitev njihove uporabe,

(c) ponudnik podatkov ne potrebuje več za namene obdelave, vendar pa jih vi potrebujete za uveljavljanje, izvajanje in obrambo pravnih zahtevkov,

(d) ste vložili ugovor v zvezi z obdelavo, dokler se ne preveri, ali zakoniti razlogi ponudnika prevladajo nad vašimi razlogi.

Kot posameznik imate pravico, da prejmete osebne podatke v zvezi z vami, ki ste jih posredovali ponudniku, v strukturirani, splošno uporabljani in strojno berljivi obliki, in imate pravico, da te podatke posredujete drugemu upravljavcu, ne da bi vas ponudnik, ki so mu bili osebni podatki zagotovljeni, pri tem oviral, in sicer kadar:

(a) obdelava temelji na privolitvi ali na pogodbi in

(b) se obdelava izvaja z avtomatiziranimi sredstvi.

Kot posameznik imate pri uresničevanju navedene pravice do prenosljivosti pravico, da se osebni podatki neposredno prenesejo od enega upravljavca k drugemu, kadar je to tehnično izvedljivo.

Brez poseganja v katerokoli drugo pravno sredstvo imate kot posameznik pravico, da vložite pritožbo pri nadzornemu organu (v Sloveniji je to Informacijski pooblaščenec), če menite, da obdelava osebnih podatkov v zvezi z vami krši predpise o varstvu osebnih podatkov.

Brez poseganja v katerokoli drugo sredstvo imate kot posameznik pravico do učinkovitega pravnega sredstva, in sicer zoper pravno zavezujočo odločitev nadzornega organa v zvezi z njo, prav tako pa tudi v primeru, kadar nadzorni organ vaše pritožbe ne obravnava ali vas v treh mesecih ne obvesti o stanju zadeve ali o odločitvi o pritožbi. Za postopke zoper nadzorni organ so pristojna sodišča države članice, v kateri ima nadzorni organ sedež.

Posameznik lahko vse zahteve, ki se tičejo uveljavljanja pravic v zvezi z osebnimi podatki, naslovi, v pisni obliki, na upravljavca, in sicer na Email naslov: [email protected].

V primeru kršitve varstva osebnih podatkov je upravljalec o tem dolžan obvestiti pristojni nadzorni organ, razen kadar je verjetno, da s kršitvijo niso bile ogrožene pravice in svoboščine posameznikov. Kadar ob kršitvi obstaja sum, da je bilo storjeno kaznivo dejanje, je Upravljalec o kršitvi dolžan obvestiti policijo in/ali pristojno tožilstvo.

V primeru, da gre za kršitev, ki lahko povzroči veliko tveganje za pravice in svoboščine posameznikov, je upravljalec dolžan o kršitvi nemudoma oz. kadar to ni mogoče, brez nepotrebnega odlašanja, obvestiti posameznike, na katerega se osebni podatki nanašajo.

Objava sprememb

Vsaka sprememba naše politike o varovanju osebnih podatkov bo objavljena na tem spletnem mestu.
