Terms & Conditions – SAYHEYHAPPINESS

The general terms and conditions define the operation of the SEYHEYHAPPINESS Web Site, the rights and obligations of the user/buyer and regulate the business relationship between SAYHEYHAPPINESS and the buyer. The buyer is bound by the general terms and conditions that are valid at the time of purchase (time of placing order to the subscription system). The buyer shall be reminded of the general terms and conditions every time when placing the order and confirming his knowledge of them by placing the order.

The general terms and conditions of the SAYHEYHAPPINESS website are drawn up in accordance with the Consumer Protection Act (ZVPot), the Personal Data Protection Act (ZVOP-1) and the Electronic Communications Act (ZEKom-1).

The Web Site is operated by:

Umetniško ustvarjanje, Nika Erčulj s.p.

Na klancu 28, 1360 Vrhnika, Slovenija


TRR SI56 0201 5331 8812 623

Tel: +386 (0)31 855 511

SayHeyHappiness email: [email protected]


2. Accessibility of information

The Provider is bound to make available to the user at all times:

• Company data (name, registered office and registry number)
• Company contact details (e-mail, telephone)
• Essential features of online courses
• Accessibility of courses or services
• Prices are clearly and unambiguously set
• Payment method information
• Information on the period within which withdrawal and withdrawal terms may be
• Information about the user complaint procedure

3. Service offer

Due to the nature of the business online, the offer of online courses changes and updates quickly.

Any user who has purchased the course can view the course and also have access to all the recordings available. The payment of the service ensures that the customer gets the specific content of the course that he has purchased.

4. Method of payment

You can pay for the services you ordered:

• via Paypal
• Via Stripe

The provider does not collect data relating to credit card payments and is transmitted by users through the website. This information is handled exclusively by the payment service providers, i.e. PayPal and Stripe.

The provider of the Thinkfic website issues an invoice on a durable medium, with the costs broken down. The purchase agreement is stored electronically on the Thinkfic server and accessible to the user/customer on its e-mail.

5. Prices

All service/course prices are published on the provider's website. The prices of each course are quoted in euro and contain VAT and are valid at the time of order placement.

6. Appeals

The provider complies with the applicable consumer protection rules. The provider has an effective complaint handling system in place. In case of problems, the buyer can contact the provider by e-mail [email protected].

The provider undertakes to respond to the complaint within five working days with the proposal to take further consideration of the procedure. The provider will do its best to resolve any disputes amicably.

7. Refund

As a buyer, you have the right to inform the provider within 14 days of the date of purchase of the course that you are withdrawing from the contract without the need to give a reason for your decision. Please send your request for withdrawal and refund by e-mail: [email protected].

Upon receipt of your notice of withdrawal, we will notify you within 5 working days of the refund order, and then the payment service provider, i.e. PayPal/Stripe, will refund the payment received no later than 14 days from receipt of the notice of withdrawal.

8. Privacy policy

Part of these Terms and Conditions is also the Privacy Policy, which is available here.

General terms and conditions are in use from 26. 3. 2021

Splošni pogoji poslovanja – SAYHEYHAPPINESS

Splošni pogoji poslovanja se opredeljuje delovanje spletnega mesta SEYHEYHAPPINESS, pravice in obveznosti uporabnika/kupca ter urejajo poslovni odnos med SAYHEYHAPPINESS in kupcem. Kupca zavezujejo splošni pogoji, ki so veljavni v trenutku nakupa (oddaje naročila v naročniški sistem). Kupec je ob oddaji naročila vsakič posebej opozorjen na splošne pogoje poslovanja in z oddajo naročila potrdi svojo seznanjenost z njimi.

Splošni pogoji spletnega mesta SAYHEYHAPPINESS so sestavljeni v skladu z Zakonom o varstvu potrošnikov (ZVPot), Zakonom o varstvu osebnih podatkov (ZVOP-1) ter Zakonom o elektronskih komunikacijah (ZEKom-1).

Spletno mesto upravlja:

Umetniško ustvarjanje, Nika Erčulj s.p.

Na klancu 28, 1360 Vrhnika, Slovenija


TRR SI56 0201 5331 8812 623

Tel: +386 (0)31 855 511

SayHeyHappiness email: [email protected]


 2. Dostopnost informacij

Ponudnik se zavezuje, da bodo uporabniku vselej na voljo:

3. Ponudba storitev

Ponudba spletnih tečajev se zaradi narave poslovanja preko spleta pogosto in hitro spreminja in ažurira.

Vsak uporabnik, ki je kupil tečaj, si lahko ogleda tečaj in ima tudi dostop do vseh posnetkov, ki so na voljo. Plačilo storitve kupcu zagotavlja, da dobi točno določeno vsebino tečaja, ki ga je kupil.

4. Načini plačila

Naročene storitve lahko plačate:

Ponudnik ne zbira podatkov, ki se nanašajo na plačilo s kreditnimi karticami in jih uporabniki posredujejo preko spletnega mesta. Te podatke izbira izključno ponudnik plačevanja storitev s kreditnimi karticami, to je Paypal in Stripe.

Ponudnik spletnega mesta Thinkfic izda račun na trajnem mediju, z razčlenjenimi stroški. Kupoprodajna pogodba je v elektronski obliki shranjena na strežniku ponudnika Thinkfic in uporabniku/kupcu dostopna na njegovem e-mailu.

5. Cene

 Vse cene storitev/tečajev so objavljene na spletnem mestu ponudnika. Cene posameznega tečaja so navedene v evrih in vsebujejo DDV in veljajo v trenutku oddaje naročila.

6. Pritožbe

Ponudnik spoštuje veljavne predpise o varstvu potrošnikov. Ponudnik ima vzpostavljen učinkovit sistem obravnavanja pritožb. Kupec se lahko v primeru težav obrne na ponudnika prek elektronske pošte [email protected].

Ponudnik se zavezuje, da se bo v roku petih delovnih dni odzval na pritožbo s predlogom poteka nadaljnje obravnave postopka. Ponudnik si bo prizadeval po svojih najboljših močeh morebitne spore rešiti sporazumno.

7. Vračilo kupnine 

Kot kupec imate pravico, da v 14 dneh od dneva opravljenega nakupa tečaja obvestite ponudnika, da odstopate od pogodbe, ne da vam bi bilo treba navajati razloga za svojo odločitev. Svojo zahtevo o odstopu od pogodbe in vračilu kupnine nam pošljite na elektronsko pošto: [email protected].

Po prejemu vašega obvestila o odstopu, vam bomo v 5 delovnih dnevih sporočili sklep o vračilu kupnine, nato pa vam bo ponudnik plačevanja storitev s kreditnimi karticami, to je Paypal/Stripe, najkasneje v roku 14 dni od prejema obvestila o odstopu od pogodbe, vrnil prejeto plačilo.

8. Politika zasebnosti 

Del teh Splošnih pogojev poslovanja je tudi Politika zasebnosti, ki je dostopna tukaj.

Splošni pogoji so v uporabi od 26.3.2021